Happy turkey day, friends & family!
Thank you for joining us for this week’s episode of the Homebrew Happy Hour … the podcast where we answer all of your homebrewing questions and discuss all things related to craft beer!
On Today’s Show:
Due to it being Thanksgiving week, we recorded this week’s episode TOGETHER from the Kegconnection HQ! I apologize ahead of time as it isn’t the best video quality nor is the audio my favorite, but it was actually a ton of fun to record this way and be in person with Todd and James.
We tried to make this episode themed and even brought props as the two questions we discuss have to do with faucets and upgrading your kegerator’s faucets. Spoiler alert: we push CMBecker faucets pretty heavy on this episode!
If you enjoy this format, let us know in the comments below.
REMINDER TO YOU that we have November’s live Q&A booked for members of our Patreon community! Live, at 1pm central on Friday, November 29th I’ll be welcoming longtime friend of the show, Jason Chalifour. He’ll be helping me take your questions on recipe building, malts, and anything else to do with brewing beer. This live Q&A is available to ALL Patrons at EVERY level. So, donate as little as $1 and get access to our private Facebook group as well as perks such as these live Q&As.
We want to hear from you!
If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!
Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!
Become a Patron! Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our newly launched Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you!
November’s Patreon Giveaway: https://www.kegconnection.com/cmb-v3n-nitro-beer-and-nitro-coffee-faucet/
November’s Patreon Featured Recipe: https://www.kegconnection.com/search.php?search_query=Northern%20English%20Brown§ion=product/