For the month of August, we partnered with our friends at StickerYou and held a label contest which received TONS of entries, most of which were way better than anything I could ever design and now I have to justify a part of my job to Todd. So… thanks for that, guys.
ANYWAY – We’re happy to announce the winners of the contest! Before I get to that, quick funny story: I sent all of the labels to Todd and James once the contest ended and asked them to rank their favorite 3 while I did the same. When we convened, none of us picked the same 3. In fact, none of us picked the same at all and each had 3 totally different favorites from the other. Since this is a group effort, the most fair thing for me to do was to use my 3 choices since I edit everything… Kidding! What I really did was take each person’s favorite label and threw it into a hat. We then drew from there and below is the results!
THANK YOU SO MUCH for entering our contest and for being a part of our home brewing community. Your labels were incredible and the beers that these labels were made for are probably amazing as well.
3rd Prize, $125 worth of custom printed labels from StickerYou

2nd Prize, $175 worth of custom printed labels from StickerYou

GRAND PRIZE WINNER, $200 worth of custom printed labels from StickerYou