We’re back from Portland and happy to present another episode of our homebrew podcast!
First off – we had a BLAST! Wow! Homebrew Con 2018 was incredible and it’s all thanks to the efforts of the AHA and, of course, the amazing community of homebrewers including yourself. It was so much fun serving our (and by “our” I mean James, Todd, and Joe’s) beer and meeting you all who made it up to Portland and also came over to our booth. On today’s show, we discuss our Homebrew Con 2018 experience. There’s a lot to discuss so today’s show happens to be almost 50 minutes long *gasp* ! This is the closest we’ve come to being an actual hour than ever, I think?
As always, If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of the page!
Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!
Today’s show is brought to you by Kegconnection.com! Kegconnection has some of the best deals on homebrewing supplies and draft beer equipment PLUS a brand new section of delicious ingredients and recipe kits! Use the promo code “HHH” to receive 5% off your order.