Welcome back friends to another fun-filled episode of the Homebrew Happy Hour!
We are BACK from #HomebrewCon 2016 and we had a BLAST meeting many of you guys as well as interviewing industry pros and vendors that are offering some really cool products for homebrewers.
One of those awesome vendors we met is the crew from Vessi™! We had a chance to sit down and learn more from Marketing Lead, Noel Dolan, and Technical Lead, Ryan Murrin, on the Vessi™! Fermentor.
#HomebrewCon is the first time we had heard about the Vessi™ but we’re confident that it won’t be the last. Their concept is brilliant and is built on creating a system that will allow you to go from pitching the yeast to pouring your beer in as little as 7 days (video below elaborates). On top of it’s functionality, what blew us away was the aesthetics of the system. One word: BEAUTIFUL!
If you’d like even more information on the Vessi™, please go check out their website or you can directly back the project on their IndieGoGo page (click here).
If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of the page!
Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!