Hey friends! Thanks for joining us and our little homebrew podcast 🙂
Can you believe that it’s already episode 99?! Next week we’ll be starting the next chapter of our show which means we’ll be including a VIDEO VERSION of each episode as well as our standard audio-only release. We figure that best case – some of you will watch and not judge us for our made-for-radio faces. Worst case – the feedback cripples us and we retreat to our rooms in the fetal position.
IN THE MEANTIME… we are so happy to present this week’s episode to you. Phil and Jason from Muntons joined us to record this from Todd’s ranch (so pardon the slight echo present) to discuss their company history and what the future looks like for Muntons. Spoiler: the future is looking great for them!
As always, If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of the page!
Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!
Today’s show is brought to you by HomebrewSupply.com! HBS’ has all of your favorite recipe kits, fresh ingredients, and homebrew equipment in stock. Homebrew Happy Hour listeners can visit HomebrewSupply.com and use the promo code “HHH” to receive 5% off your order.
(Discount can not be applied to products that are drop shipped including, but not limited to, products by Spike Brewing, SS BrewTech, Brewer’s Edge Mash & Boil, and more. See website for details)