Downscaling 5 Gallon Recipes for Smaller Batches of Beer — Ep. 165

Howdy, friend!

Great to have you and thanks for tuning in to this episode of Homebrew Happy Hour … the podcast where we answer all of your home brewing questions and discuss anything related to craft beer!

On Today’s Show:

It’s the last week before Todd and James fly out to Germany (without me, but I’ll complain about that another day and lots more in the future) so I’m happy they were able to join me and help take YOUR questions on today’s show. 

One listener wrote in asking about what to do when you have over half of your packet of yeast left over (and other scaling stuff about scaling down 5 gallon recipes) and our second question asks about choosing hops for recipe building and when to use them during the brew day.

We want to hear from you!

If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!

Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!



Thank you to our show’s sponsor, Spike Brewing Equipment, for supporting us and the homebrewing community. Learn more about their incredible equipment at and make the most of your brew day


Become a Patron!  Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our newly launched Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you!

Are you a member of the American Homebrewers Association yet? Join today and receive a FREE copy of “Session Beers” by Jennifer Talley on top of all the other cool perks that an AHA membership offers — CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

Temperature Ranges with Various Yeast Strains — Ep. 164

Hope you’re doing well, home brewer!

Thank you for tuning in to another fantastic episode of our Homebrew Happy Hour … the podcast where we answer all of your home brewing questions and discuss anything related to craft beer!

On Today’s Show:

We hope you’re having a great start to the new year and sticking to whatever resolutions you’ve established for yourself! The good news is that we are 9 days into 2020 and I haven’t lost a bet to Todd yet. What a great year this is going to be!

For this week, Todd and James join me to small talk our way thru 15’ish minutes and then answer YOUR questions about homebrewing. Specifically, we got asked about what may have happened when a liquid yeast got pitched but no activity ever happened, plus we talk about breaking up an all-grain brew day into multiple steps over several days. It was a great show that I’m excited to share with you!

We want to hear from you!

If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!

Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!



Thank you to our show’s sponsor, Spike Brewing Equipment, for supporting us and the homebrewing community. Learn more about their incredible equipment at and make the most of your brew day


Become a Patron!  Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our newly launched Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you!

Are you a member of the American Homebrewers Association yet? Join today and receive a FREE copy of “Session Beers” by Jennifer Talley on top of all the other cool perks that an AHA membership offers — CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

Is the Pressure Gauge on my CO2 Regulator Accurate? — Ep. 163

Happy New Year, Homebrewer!

Thank you for tuning in to another episode of our Homebrew Happy Hour … the podcast where we answer all of your home brewing questions and discuss anything related to craft beer!

On Today’s Show:

We hope you had an incredible and safe new year celebration! We had a ton of fun which included plenty of delicious homebrew, delicious food, friends, family, and tasty cigars all to boot. 

Todd and James join me to discuss our brew year resolutions (see what I did there?) for 2020. We also make some predictions for the craft beer world (spoiler alert: mine makes fun of fruity beers. #sorrynotsorry), AND we take a couple of questions about gas regulators. Not too shabby of an episode for our first one of 2020!

We want to hear from you!

If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!

Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!



Thank you to our show’s sponsor, Spike Brewing Equipment, for supporting us and the homebrewing community. Learn more about their incredible equipment at and make the most of your brew day


Become a Patron!  Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our newly launched Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you!

Are you a member of the American Homebrewers Association yet? Join today and receive a FREE copy of “Session Beers” by Jennifer Talley on top of all the other cool perks that an AHA membership offers — CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

Our Favorite Beers of the Year and a Question on Carbonation — Ep. 162

Merry Christmas, friends!

Thank you for tuning in again to yet another episode of our Homebrew Happy Hour … the podcast where we answer all of your home brewing questions and discuss anything related to craft beer!

On Today’s Show:

Hey, remember when last week I said that Todd was losing terribly to me in the weightloss competition? Turns out, I was wrong. I’m just going to let you listen or watch this week’s episode so you can get the full details in context but let’s just say that I’m pissed.

ANYWAY – on this week’s episode we recap our favorite brews of the years as well as our least favorites too. We then take a question about force carbonation and we reflect on how great of a year the podcast had in 2019. THANK YOU all so much for tuning in each week and for being a part of our lives. You make this show what it is and we’re so thankful for each and every one of you!

We want to hear from you!

If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!

Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!



Today’s show is brought to you by! It’s homebrew holiday deals over at with 25% off homebrew kegerator kits, 25% off EVERY homebrew keg when purchased with a kegging kit, and lots more site-wide deals. Head over to Kegconnection dot com and have a happy homebrew holiday season!

Become a Patron!  Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our newly launched Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you!


Are you a member of the American Homebrewers Association yet? Join today and receive a FREE copy of “Session Beers” by Jennifer Talley on top of all the other cool perks that an AHA membership offers — CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

Yeast Nutrients and Can You Save an Oxidized Beer? — Ep. 161

Nice to have you, homebrewer!

Thank you for tuning in to another episode of our Homebrew Happy Hour … the podcast where we answer all of your home brewing questions and discuss anything related to craft beer!

On Today’s Show:

Todd is gone so it’s just James and I but, fear not, we sorta stayed on topic this episode! After catching up on some small talk which consisted mainly of me dogging Todd’s horrificly bad efforts at losing weight for our competition, we also took two questions. We discuss yeast nutrients as well as if time can help heal an oxidized beer. These are two things we haven’t actually talked much about so I was pumped to have James’s input on these!

We want to hear from you!

If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!

Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!



Today’s show is brought to you by! It’s homebrew holiday deals over at with 25% off homebrew kegerator kits, 25% off EVERY homebrew keg when purchased with a kegging kit, and lots more site-wide deals. Head over to Kegconnection dot com and have a happy homebrew holiday season!

Become a Patron!  Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our newly launched Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you!


Are you a member of the American Homebrewers Association yet? Join today and receive a FREE copy of “Session Beers” by Jennifer Talley on top of all the other cool perks that an AHA membership offers — CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

Keg Conditioning and Naturally Carbonating in the Keg — Ep. 160

Welcome, our home brewing friend!

Thank you for joining us for another episode of the Homebrew Happy Hour … the podcast where we answer all of your homebrewing questions and discuss all things related to craft beer!

On Today’s Show:

We are back from a fantastic trip out to Kansas City! First off – what an underrated city. Such a great beer scene, incredible food, and a beautiful downtown area full of amazing museums and touristy stuff. We will definitely be back in the future!

For this week’s show, we take a couple of questions on naturally carbonating but in a keg as well as conditioning tips (temps, methods, etc).

We want to hear from you!

If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!

Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!



Today’s show is brought to you by! It’s homebrew holiday deals over at with 25% off homebrew kegerator kits, 25% off EVERY homebrew keg when purchased with a kegging kit, and lots more site-wide deals. Head over to Kegconnection dot com and have a happy homebrew holiday season!

Become a Patron!  Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our newly launched Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you!


Are you a member of the American Homebrewers Association yet? Join today and receive a FREE copy of “Session Beers” by Jennifer Talley on top of all the other cool perks that an AHA membership offers — CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

Using CO2 to prevent oxidation during fermentation — Ep. 159

Happy December, Homebrewer!

Thank you for joining us once again for another fun-filled episode of the Homebrew Happy Hour … the podcast where we answer all of your homebrewing questions and discuss all things related to craft beer!

On Today’s Show:

We’re back from stuffing ourselves silly during the Thanksgiving break. Well, some of us (*cough* TODD *cough*) may have stuffed themselves more than others… but, either way, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving and we hope you did too!

We update you all on the weight loss competition between myself and Todd. Spoiler: I’m going to win. This week we also briefly discuss our holiday beer selection for our company Christmas party and I remind you all of the wonderful perks you receive when you join our Patreon community!

Then, we address two questions. The first is on what size CO2 cylinder might work best if only used for keeping O2 from seeping into your beer during fermenation in a vessel like the Spike Flex or Flex +. The second question deals with corny keg upkeep and, specifically, repairing rubber handles that are coming loose. It’s an informative episode, that’s for sure!

If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!

Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!



Become a Patron!  Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our newly launched Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you!


Are you a member of the American Homebrewers Association yet? Join today and receive a FREE copy of “Session Beers” by Jennifer Talley on top of all the other cool perks that an AHA membership offers — CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

Homebrew Holiday Gift Guide

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The best deals on homebrewing equipment, gear, ingredients, kits, and more are happening right now as Black Friday and Cyber Monday are upon us. In this quick video, ‘s Ladik Joe Ermis briefly goes over some popular choices and his personal recommendations for gift buying this season. If you’d like more info on any of the products mentioned in this video, check out the links below or give Ladik a call @ 866-936-8582



Anvil Foundry:…

Mash & Boil:…

The Grainfather:…

Cooler Brew All Grain Brewing System:…

Stainless Steel Wort Chillers:…

Temperature controllers:…

Upgrading the faucets on your draft beer system — Ep. 158

Happy turkey day, friends & family!

Thank you for joining us for this week’s episode of the Homebrew Happy Hour … the podcast where we answer all of your homebrewing questions and discuss all things related to craft beer!

On Today’s Show:

Due to it being Thanksgiving week, we recorded this week’s episode TOGETHER from the Kegconnection HQ! I apologize ahead of time as it isn’t the best video quality nor is the audio my favorite, but it was actually a ton of fun to record this way and be in person with Todd and James. 

We tried to make this episode themed and even brought props as the two questions we discuss have to do with faucets and upgrading your kegerator’s faucets. Spoiler alert: we push CMBecker faucets pretty heavy on this episode! 

If you enjoy this format, let us know in the comments below.

REMINDER TO YOU that we have November’s live Q&A booked for members of our Patreon community! Live, at 1pm central on Friday, November 29th I’ll be welcoming longtime friend of the show, Jason Chalifour. He’ll be helping me take your questions on recipe building, malts, and anything else to do with brewing beer. This live Q&A is available to ALL Patrons at EVERY level. So, donate as little as $1 and get access to our private Facebook group as well as perks such as these live Q&As.

We want to hear from you!

If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!

Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!



Become a Patron!  Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our newly launched Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you!

November’s Patreon Giveaway:

November’s Patreon Featured Recipe:

Are you a member of the American Homebrewers Association yet? Join today and receive a FREE copy of “Session Beers” by Jennifer Talley on top of all the other cool perks that an AHA membership offers — CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

How often do you clean or replace your beer lines? — Ep. 157

Happy to have you back, homebrewer!

Thank you for tuning in to this week’s episode of the Homebrew Happy Hour … the podcast where we answer all of your homebrewing questions and discuss all things related to craft beer!

On Today’s Show:

Todd and James are BACK from Germany/Austria! Even though I’m super jealous of their trip, it was great getting a recap of the Brau tradeshow as well as the fun they had while visiting Vienna.

On this week’s episode, we discuss hygiene for your home kegging system. It’s an often overlooked part of the draft beer experience but having clean tubing and dispensing components will make a *huge* difference in taste and pour. I always worry that episodes like this will bore our audience but I really do believe you’ll learn something from today’s show!

We also have November’s live Q&A booked for members of our Patreon community! Live, at 1pm central on Friday, November 29th I’ll be welcoming longtime friend of the show, Jason Chalifour. He’ll be helping me take your questions on recipe building, malts, and anything else to do with brewing beer. This live Q&A is available to ALL Patrons at EVERY level. So, donate as little as $1 and get access to our private Facebook group as well as perks such as these live Q&As.

We want to hear from you!

If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!

Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!



Become a Patron!  Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our newly launched Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you!

November’s Patreon Giveaway:

November’s Patreon Featured Recipe:

Are you a member of the American Homebrewers Association yet? Join today and receive a FREE copy of “Session Beers” by Jennifer Talley on top of all the other cool perks that an AHA membership offers — CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO