Bourbon Barrel Aging without the Barrel

Imagine yourself sitting outside by a fire on a cool, brisk evening sipping a beer.  For me, the perfect beer for such an evening would be a bourbon barrel aged stout.  The months, and sometimes years that the beer ages in that barrel are truly a testament to the patience of the brewer. For a brief, very brief period I contemplated buying a barrel and trying to replicate some of my favorites at home. Unfortunately, I am a very impatient brewer and I really do not have a temperature-controlled space to store a barrel of beer.  Seriously, why wait several months for something when I can find a shortcut?

Your favorite local brewery has painstakingly brewed their beer and fermented it before transferring it to a used bourbon barrel, more than likely several barrels.  It then sits and soaks in all the glorious bourbon flavoring for about nine months to a year.  All the while the brewers periodically check and taste the beer to see when it has aged to their satisfaction.  The question is now, how can we replicate that taste at home with limited space and time?

Before we begin, we need to decide what flavors are we trying to achieve?  Do we want to strictly get the bourbon flavor to accent our base beer?  Or are we looking for the bourbon and the wood flavors to meld with our base beer?  There are a variety of methods to achieve your desired goal.  Some require a little extra time and space, while others add very little or no time to the process before you can sit in front of a fire and sip your masterpiece.

Let’s start with the ambitious option.  There are some distilleries that use small five gallon barrels in which they age their bourbon, and you can find some of those used barrels for sale, anywhere from around $100 to $175.  It is important to get a recently “dumped” barrel as the oak staves are still wet and the barrel will hold your precious beer inside, vice leaking out all over your storage room.  Since the majority of Homebrewers brew five gallon batches, these are perfect for the overachievers among us.  The smaller size of the barrel shortens the aging process as there is a higher percentage of the beer in contact with the barrel.   You need to taste it as it ages to be sure that you know when it is done.  It is much easier to let it sit for a little while longer than it is to get the flavor out once it is there.  This option will add a month or more to your process, so plan accordingly.

The next option is for those that want some bourbon flavor as well as some additional flavors from the wood itself.  You can buy oak staves, spirals, cubes, chips, or even powder, of course to be bourbon accurate, I should specify that you look for American Oak.  Since we are Homebrewers and the TTB is not looking over our shoulder to be sure that we are using the correct oak, we can use whatever we want.  Simply soak your oak in bourbon for a few days to a week to allow the oak to soak up the bourbon.  I usually add enough bourbon to a quart jar to cover the oak, the amount will vary depending on your choice of oak.  After the oak has soaked in the bourbon, drain off the bourbon and add the oak to your fermented beer in your fermenter.  Alternatively, you can add the oak and the bourbon to your fermenter to get a stronger bourbon flavor.  How long you leave the oak in your fermenter is based solely on your own personal taste.  If you leave the wood too long in your fermenter it will overpower all of the other flavors and aromas in your finished beer.  I suggest checking it after a week to see if the flavor and aroma is where you want it. 

The last option is the ultimate “cheat”.  Denny Conn, a Governing Committee member of the American Homebrewers Association, has subscribed to the idea of adding the bourbon at bottling or kegging.  His opinion is based on what we discussed earlier.  What flavor or aromas are we trying to achieve?  If we simply want bourbon flavor then why not add it at the end?  There is no extra time or space needed.  If you read the blogs and forums, watch YouTube, listen to podcasts, or talk to your homebrewing friends, you will likely get a hundred different opinions on the amount of bourbon to add.  Just like the aging in a barrel or on oak, once it is in there, you cannot take it out. 

One easy way, albeit a bit longer method of deciding how much bourbon to add is to brew a batch of the base beer and try adding different amounts of bourbon to a pint of your beer.  Once you are satisfied with the bourbon levels in that serving, it goes back to elementary school math, although you may want to check your math sober.  In a standard five gallon batch there are approximately 53 twelve ounce servings of beer, depending on how closely you hit your target volumes.  Simply multiply the amount of bourbon you added to your beer to get your desired flavor by 53.  For example, if your taste test revealed that you prefer .5 ozs of bourbon per serving, multiply 53 times .5 and you will get 26.5ozs of bourbon to add to your beer at bottling or kegging.  Now you know that when you brew the base beer again, you will add the bourbon directly to your bottling bucket or your keg when you transfer your beer.

The following is a beer that I brewed last year that turned out excellent and would be a great addition to your lineup for the upcoming cold winter months.  Due to my aforementioned impatience, I added one cup, eight ozs of bourbon and two ozs of pure vanilla extract at kegging.  I went with eight ozs of bourbon because I wanted some subtle bourbon character but I did not want it  to be at the forefront of the flavor.

FERMENTABLES-Mash at 152 for 60 minutes

12 lbs of 2 Row Malt

3 lbs of Munich Light Malt

2 lbs of Crystal 120L Malt

1 lbs of Rolled Oats

1 lbs of Chocolate Malt

11.2 ozs of Roasted Barley


2 ozs of Mandarina Bavaria – 60 minute boil addition


Whirlfloc Tablet – 15 minute boil addition

Cacao Nibs – 8 ozs in Secondary for 2 weeks


Safbrew Abbey Ale (BE-256)

OG : 1.130     FG : 1.043

Now all that is left to do is light a fire, lean back, stare at the stars and sip your brew. 

Advice for new brewers, party faucet maintenance, adding a hand pumped keg to my keezer, & what is a diacetyl rest – Ep. 235

Happy HomebrewCon, friend!

We are very excited to welcome you back to our Homebrew Happy Hour podcast… the podcast where we answer all of your home brewing questions and discuss anything related to craft beer!


If you appreciate the things we do here at Homebrew Happy Hour, consider joining our Trub Club! Not only will you be supporting our efforts, but you’ll also receive exclusive perks such as HUGE discounts on and, welcome packs with our merch, discounts to, and lots more! Click the link and join today  —

On Today’s Show:

I know I said “Happy HomebrewCon” at the top, even though this is NOT our HomebrewCon presentation, but I mentioned it because HomebrewCon is going on RIGHT NOW as you’re reading this… or, if you’re late to this episode, it already happened and we probably had a blast and totally didn’t mess up our presentation or do a bad job at all, right?!

If you don’t know what HomebrewCon is, the best way to describe it is “an awesome 3 days of informational seminars, fun hang outs, and growing as a homebrewer”. Go over the right now and sign up to join the fun.

On today’s episode, we had a blast taking your questions and also talking shop about our sweet new Brautag HERMS Premium Brewing System. The website for the Brautag is live and our retail partners all are offering a special introductory bonus which includes:

$500 off the MSRP, making it $4495.95
Free 15 gallon recipe kit of your choice
3 packs of Imperial Yeast with your recipe kit
Free 1-year membership to
Free premium refractometer with a hard case
Free premium pH meter and testing strips
Free 16oz bottle of San Step sanitizer
Free 1lb bag of Brew Clean powdered cleaner
Free metal tintacker bar sign for the Brautag
Free Brautag baseball cap


We want to hear from you!

If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!

Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!






Thank you to our show’s sponsor, Imperial Yeast, for supporting us and the homebrewing community. Learn more about why we LOVE Imperial Yeast by checking out their entire line, available at


Become a Patron!  Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our TRUB CLUB via our Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you!

Are you a member of the American Homebrewers Association yet?  — CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

Cleaning a HERMS set up, blending beers, how long should I wait to serve after force carbonating, & do I have to clean my conical fermenter between every batch – Ep.234

Hey there, Homebrewer!

We hope that you’re doing well and we’re very excited to welcome you back to our Homebrew Happy Hour podcast… the podcast where we answer all of your home brewing questions and discuss anything related to craft beer!


If you appreciate the things we do here at Homebrew Happy Hour, consider joining our Trub Club! Not only will you be supporting our efforts, but you’ll also receive exclusive perks such as HUGE discounts on and, welcome packs with our merch, discounts to, and lots more! Click the link and join today  —

On Today’s Show:

Todd and James join me this week to tackle your awesome homebrewing questions. We recorded from the brew room at HQ because James was having a brew day on our new Brautag system! It’s now available at (CLICK HERE) and we couldn’t be more excited. Also – we still have 4 passes to HomebrewCon Online to giveaway and you can enter for your chance to win by clicking HERE. Drawing will be on Monday, June 14th. 

Also – if you’re listening to this episode and wondering “I follow them on Instagram and I didn’t see anything about blending beers this week” it’s because Todd and I drank too much before we remembered that we didn’t blend any beers last night. We’ll get to it another time, especially since I’ll be up at HQ ALL NEXT WEEK as we prepare for our HomebrewCon Online 2021 seminar on brewing on a HERMS system.

We want to hear from you!

If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!

Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!




Thank you to our show’s sponsor, Imperial Yeast, for supporting us and the homebrewing community. Learn more about why we LOVE Imperial Yeast by checking out their entire line, available at


Become a Patron!  Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our TRUB CLUB via our Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you!

Are you a member of the American Homebrewers Association yet?  — CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

Getting citrus flavors in your beer, using the same gear for various types of brewing, lactose vs maltodextrin, & dumping everything from the boil kettle into the fermenter – Ep. 233

Howdy, Homebrewer!

We hope you’re doing well and we’re excited to welcome you back to our Homebrew Happy Hour podcast… the podcast where we answer all of your home brewing questions and discuss anything related to craft beer!


If you appreciate the things we do here at Homebrew Happy Hour, consider joining our Trub Club! Not only will you be supporting our efforts, but you’ll also receive exclusive perks such as HUGE discounts on and, welcome packs with our merch, discounts to, and lots more! Click the link and join today  —

On Today’s Show:

It’s been a while so I am super stoked to welcome back Homebrew Supply’s Director of Operations, Mr. Ladik Joe Ermis! Joe is an incredibly under-utilized resource, mainly because he’s SO BUSY managing the day-to-day production operations for Kegconnection LLC. I begged him for an hour of his time and, lucky for all of us, he was able to join me this week and tackle your questions.

We want to hear from you!

If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!

Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!




Thank you to our show’s sponsor, Imperial Yeast, for supporting us and the homebrewing community. Learn more about why we LOVE Imperial Yeast by checking out their entire line, available at


Become a Patron!  Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our TRUB CLUB via our Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you!

Are you a member of the American Homebrewers Association yet?  — CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

Building enclosures around your keezer, avoiding refrigerant lines, where’s the krausen, & milling your own grains – Ep. 232

Hey there, friend!

We hope you’re doing well and we welcome you back to our Homebrew Happy Hour podcast… the podcast where we answer all of your home brewing questions and discuss anything related to craft beer!


If you appreciate the things we do here at Homebrew Happy Hour, consider joining our Trub Club! Not only will you be supporting our efforts, but you’ll also receive exclusive perks such as HUGE discounts on and, welcome packs with our merch, discounts to, and lots more! Click the link and join today  —

On Today’s Show:

Todd and James are back on to help me take your questions and get thru another fun-filled episode of our show. Thank God too because the questions we have for this week pretty much require the expertise of Todd & James so I’m thankful that 1) Todd was feeling up to doing the show and 2) That James was available because I rely on that guy’s wisdom SO MUCH for this show.

We want to hear from you!

If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!

Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!




This show is brought to you by! They make and sell incredibly cool metal signs, stickers, serving trays, and more all from your favorite craft breweries. They even made our awesome metal sign! Go to today and use our promo code HOMEBREWER to save $10 off your first order of $30 or more.


Thank you to our show’s sponsor, Imperial Yeast, for supporting us and the homebrewing community. Learn more about why we LOVE Imperial Yeast by checking out their entire line, available at


Become a Patron!  Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our newly launched Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you!

Are you a member of the American Homebrewers Association yet?  — CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

Hanging out with Tyler & Laurie from the Brew’d Up Podcast – Ep. 231

How was your week, friend?

We hope it was great and we welcome you back to our Homebrew Happy Hour podcast… the podcast where we answer all of your home brewing questions and discuss anything related to craft beer!


If you appreciate the things we do here at Homebrew Happy Hour, consider joining our Trub Club! Not only will you be supporting our efforts, but you’ll also receive exclusive perks such as HUGE discounts on and, welcome packs with our merch, discounts to, and lots more! Click the link and join today  —

On Today’s Show:

I gave Todd and James a break since Todd is out of town for a medical procedure and James works so hard – they both deserved the week off. However, I was thrilled to welcome my friends Tyler & Laurie from the Brew’d Up podcast on the show. We’ve had Tyler on before and it was great catching up with her as well as meeting Laurie and learning more about what they’re brewing, how they’re brewing it, and all about their podcast.

We want to hear from you!

If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!

Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!




This show is brought to you by! They make and sell incredibly cool metal signs, stickers, serving trays, and more all from your favorite craft breweries. They even made our awesome metal sign! Go to today and use our promo code HOMEBREWER to save $10 off your first order of $30 or more.


Thank you to our show’s sponsor, Imperial Yeast, for supporting us and the homebrewing community. Learn more about why we LOVE Imperial Yeast by checking out their entire line, available at


Become a Patron!  Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our newly launched Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you!

Are you a member of the American Homebrewers Association yet?  — CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

How should the water flow during your sparge, brew day music choices, preventing dirty glassware, & should you worry about pre-boil contaminants – Ep. 230

Great to see you again,friend!

Welcome back to our Homebrew Happy Hour podcast… the podcast where we answer all of your home brewing questions and discuss anything related to craft beer!


If you appreciate the things we do here at Homebrew Happy Hour, consider joining our newly renamed homebrew club, [insert name that Todd chose HERE]! Not only will you be supporting our efforts, but you’ll also receive exclusive perks such as HUGE discounts on and, welcome packs with our merch, discounts to, and lots more! Click the link and join today  —

On Today’s Show:

James and Todd are back with me to take your questions and chit-chat the day away. We had a PACKED episode today and I, personally, had such a good time recording it with these dudes. Questions about whether or not it matters how your sparging water hits the mash, what kind of tunes are we listening to when we brew, how to keep your beer glassware clean, and one listener wanted to know if he should throw out his batch because he caught his dog drinking from the boil kettle (BEFORE the wort got to boil, of course).

We want to hear from you!

If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!

Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!




This show is brought to you by! They make and sell incredibly cool metal signs, stickers, serving trays, and more all from your favorite craft breweries. They even made our awesome metal sign! Go to today and use our promo code HOMEBREWER to save $10 off your first order of $30 or more.


Thank you to our show’s sponsor, Imperial Yeast, for supporting us and the homebrewing community. Learn more about why we LOVE Imperial Yeast by checking out their entire line, available at


Become a Patron!  Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our newly launched Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you!

Are you a member of the American Homebrewers Association yet?  — CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

Adding taps to a kegerator system, what’s a vorlauf, MFL vs barbed disconnects, & when to recirculate – Ep. 229

Thanks for joining us again, friend!

Welcome back to our Homebrew Happy Hour podcast… the podcast where we answer all of your home brewing questions and discuss anything related to craft beer!


If you appreciate the things we do here at Homebrew Happy Hour, consider joining our Patreon community! Not only will you be supporting our efforts, but you’ll also receive exclusive perks such as HUGE discounts on and, welcome packs with our merch, discounts to, and lots more! Click the link and join today  —

On Today’s Show:

We’re back with another fun-filled exciting… ok, I have to stop there. Look – I definitely have fun every week and I definitely think our show is exciting but I’ve had some people tell me that it’s not as exciting as I think it is… Either way, I was joined by Todd and James to take your questions and provide the answers to the best of our abilities. I think you’ll learn a lot this week as we had a nice selection of questions.

We want to hear from you!

If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!

Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!




This show is brought to you by! They make and sell incredibly cool metal signs, stickers, serving trays, and more all from your favorite craft breweries. They even made our awesome metal sign! Go to today and use our promo code HOMEBREWER to save $10 off your first order of $30 or more.


Thank you to our show’s sponsor, Imperial Yeast, for supporting us and the homebrewing community. Learn more about why we LOVE Imperial Yeast by checking out their entire line, available at


Become a Patron!  Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our newly launched Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you!

Are you a member of the American Homebrewers Association yet?  — CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

Pouring test wort back in the batch, airlock differences, forgetting to measure gravity, & choosing which way to sparge – Ep. 228

Great to see you again, friend!

Welcome back to our Homebrew Happy Hour podcast… the podcast where we answer all of your home brewing questions and discuss anything related to craft beer!


If you appreciate the things we do here at Homebrew Happy Hour, consider joining our Patreon community! Not only will you be supporting our efforts, but you’ll also receive exclusive perks such as HUGE discounts on and, welcome packs with our merch, discounts to, and lots more! Click the link and join today  —

On Today’s Show:

James and Todd joined me, once again, because I need help if I’m going to get adequate answers for you all! Kidding aside – you know that doing this show with these dudes is the highlight of my week and I’m proud of the show we’re bringing to you today.

On a related note per a wager I made with Todd last week, you’ll be happy (or sad, depending on how you feel about me) to learn that I DID avoid getting my balls kicked by Todd because I did manage to publish the second part of his extract brewing series on time! WOOHOO!

Check that out here:

We want to hear from you!

If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!

Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!



Thank you to our show’s sponsor, Imperial Yeast, for supporting us and the homebrewing community. Learn more about why we LOVE Imperial Yeast by checking out their entire line, available at


Become a Patron!  Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our newly launched Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you!

Are you a member of the American Homebrewers Association yet?  — CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

Choosing coffee for stouts, keeping your keezer in a hot garage, harvesting SCOBYs from commercial kombucha, & pitching expired liquid yeast – Ep. 227

Nice to have you back, homebrewer!

Welcome to our Homebrew Happy Hour podcast… the podcast where we answer all of your home brewing questions and discuss anything related to craft beer!


If you appreciate the things we do here at Homebrew Happy Hour, consider joining our Patreon community! Not only will you be supporting our efforts, but you’ll also receive exclusive perks such as HUGE discounts on and, welcome packs with our merch, discounts to, and lots more! Click the link and join today  —

On Today’s Show:

I had the pleasure of being joined, once again, by my favorite people who I work with and record weekly podcasts with – Mr. Todd Burns and Mr. James Carlson! They helped me take your questions and we covered a wide variety of topics today. I even got to pretend like I’m an expert on kombucha, so I had a blast!


We want to hear from you!

If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!

Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!



Thank you to our show’s sponsor, Imperial Yeast, for supporting us and the homebrewing community. Learn more about why we LOVE Imperial Yeast by checking out their entire line, available at


Become a Patron!  Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our newly launched Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you!

Are you a member of the American Homebrewers Association yet?  — CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO