Happy to see you here, Homebrewer!
– We welcome and thank you for tuning in to our homebrew podcast –
Thank you for joining us once again for the Homebrew Happy Hour show! This is the podcast where we answer YOUR homebrew questions and we discuss all things related to craft beer!
Next week is “National Homebrew Day” and we want to hear from YOU! Leave us a voicemail or a text message at 325-305-6107 telling us what you love about Homebrewing and, if we use your message on the episode, we’ll send you a $20 gift card for Kegconnection.com!
ALSO: This is a heads up that we finally have our HomebrewCon booth number! Come visit us this year in Providence, Rhode Island during the 2019 National Homebrew Convention from June 27-29th at booth # 719. We’ll have more info coming soon on how you can sign up for some freebies from us and we may even organize a meetup with you all while we’re hanging in Providence. We’re VERY excited and can’t wait to meet you all in person and share our booth’s beer with you.
On Today’s Show:
Todd (Kegconnection) and James (CMBecker) join me again on the show to help answer all of your homebrewing questions! The first question asks about what exactly might happen if you mash at warmer or colder than recommended temperatures. Also, what should be expected if you mash for longer or shorter than the recommended amount of time? It’s a great question that we (and by we, I mean James) had a great time discussing. Also, there was a question about how to choose hops when crafting a recipe and I actually learned a lot listening to Todd and James (and by “Todd and James” you know I really only mean James) discuss what they do for recipe building. All-in-all, we’re very excited to present this week’s show to you!
We want to hear from you!
As always, If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor! Easy-peasy, right?
Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!
Recipe Building: https://www.brewersfriend.com/
Hops: https://www.kegconnection.com/hops/
Brewing Equipment: https://www.kegconnection.com/equipment-kits/
Today’s show is brought to you by Kegconnection.com! Check out Kegconnection’s brand new “Brewer’s Club Rewards” program which gives you points for every purchase and the ability to earn FREE points simply by sharing content or participating in various activities. You can redeem your points for discounts on future orders, FREE SHIPPING, FREE GIFTS, and a whole lot more so go to Kegconnection.com for more information. Homebrew Happy Hour listeners who shop at Kegconnection.com can use the promo code “HHH” to receive 5% off your order.