Well hello there, home brewer!
Welcome back to our Homebrew Happy Hour podcast… the podcast where we answer all of your home brewing questions and discuss anything related to craft beer!
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On Today’s Show:
You might not believe this but Todd couldn’t join us today because… get this… he’s on a freakin’ helicopter RIGHT NOW shooting hogs from it. Yes, you read that correctly. James and I are both incredibly jealous of the amazing time that Todd is, undoubtedly, having. In case you’re wondering – hogs are a TERROR here in Texas and are vastly overpopulated on Todd’s ranch where they’ve been literally destroying the land which is affecting all the other wildlife that rely on Todd’s property. So… don’t feel bad for the little piggies 😉 !
ANYWAY – that means it’s just James and I today but thank God he joined me because I could not have done today’s show without him. We discuss whether you should follow the temperature ranges listed in your recipe kit versus what’s on your yeast pack (ideally — they’d both be the same ranges), we talk about how important pH levels are in regards to the mashing process, and a listener writes in with a question on best practices for cleaning his Grainfather unit.
We want to hear from you!
If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of our website or you can now call in your questions via our questions hotline @ 325-305-6107 and leave your message after the beep. This is a friendly reminder that, if we choose your question for a future episode, we give you a $25 gift card to that episode’s sponsor!
Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!
Thank you to our show’s sponsor, Spike Brewing Equipment, for supporting us and the homebrewing community. Learn more about their incredible equipment at SpikeBrewing.com/HomebrewHappyHour and make the most of your brew day
Become a Patron! Reminder that these episodes are ultimately made possible because of YOUR support. Consider becoming a member of our newly launched Patreon page and receive perks such as merch, exclusive group access and content, recipes, and some tiers even get monthly recipe kits mailed to you! https://www.patreon.com/HomebrewHappyHour